Since 2015, the Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust (LCWLT)’s Field Trip Program has introduced thousands of students and families to Los CerritosWetlands. The LCWLT believes that offering these trips free of charge, in addition to our in-person monthly walks programs, helps grow future environmental stewards. The field trip program includes the following:

– Summer field trips to the Hellman Property for youth and families participating in the BE SAFE program with City of Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine
– Classroom trips for students attending schools in North, West and Central Long Beach in the Long Beach Unified School District
– Classroom trips for students at Heroes Elementary in the Santa Ana Unified School District

The LCWLT is currently developing a virtual field trip program to continue to serve students and teachers during Covid-related school restrictions.

For information about field trips and field trip programs for youth and community groups, please contact Elizabeth Lambe at

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