As persistent advocates for protection of the Los Cerritos Wetlands, we can and will rise to defend our local wetlands and adjacent open space as many times as it takes. Please become a memberdonate, or volunteer today.

Subscribe for the latest news to learn about events concerning the Los Cerritos Wetlands. Find out what you can do to help protect this important community resource. E-alerts are green alternative to keeping up to date with the Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust.

We promise never to share your email with other groups or entities.



Support AB1322 CA Ecosystems Protection Act 


Learn more and help ban toxic rodenticides 

Defend the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

Learn more and contact the Governor here

blue sky with native plants in foreground. white text reads

Modify the AES Alamitos Extension & Direct Mitigation to our Local Wetlands

Learn more about the issue & how you can take action here




Writing a letter to the editor is a quick and effective way of communicating your wetlands protection message to a wide audience. The Letters to the Editor section is one of the most widely read sections of a newspaper and is also read by community leaders and decision makers who are interested in learning what the public thinks about a particular issue.

Daily Breeze
(word count under 300)

Long Beach Press-Telegram
(word count under 250)

Los Angeles Times
(word count under 150)

North County Times
(word count under 300)

Orange County Register
(word count under 200)

Letter Writing Tips

Remember, you don’t have to be a professional writer or expert to have a valid opinion. We encourage you to use your own words as newspapers are less likely to print any letter that appears to be organized by a campaign. We also ask that you copy your letter or BCC us so even if your letter is not printed we can we can collect the letters and present them to targeted public officials. This way your message can do twice the good, and decision makers will be confronted with the opinions of their active constituents.


Simply sharing our campaign with a friend you can make a difference.

Email a friend or neighbor who you think would be interested in hearing about the Los Cerritos Wetlands

Become a Fan on Facebook

Join Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust on Facebook.

Like the page to stay informed about fun wetlands events and news!



Connect with us and stay in touch for updates and happenings at the wetlands!



The only thing that beats organized money is organized people. We need volunteers to help with organizing, research, lobbying, outreach, projects and networking. Make a difference in your community and meet other people who are making a difference.

You may help in other areas such as special events and fund-raising, which happen periodically throughout the year.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Community Outreach
  • Mailings
  • Media
  • Fundraising
  • Education
  • Science

Please take the time now to email us about your interests.

Monthly Volunteer Day:

Every first Saturday of the month, from 10:15am – 12:30pm, is an opportunity to get out in the wetlands and help restore habitat. Activities can include planting, mulching, collecting trash, or weed removal, depending on the season and needs of the restoration team.

Meet us at 1st St. & PCH, with closed toe shoes, sun protection, & your reuseable water bottle! 


Monthly Nature Walks

Photo by Kevin Mendoza

The Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust is proud to present a free, monthly guided nature walk.

We offer a monthly guided tour of Los Cerritos Wetlands at 8:00 AM on the first Saturday of the month.    

Join us for our next walk

Saturday, April 5th

To RSVP or for more information, go to our Eventbrite here:

Heron Hike

For questions, please contact

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