I’ve got some excellent news to share with you! After years and years of public meetings, review, and planning, the restoration of the Los Cerritos Wetlands’ southern acreage is set to receive significant funding. This multi-year restoration will restore a wide range of wetland types from subtidal wetlands to upland transition habitats. Its design will take into account historical ecology, natural ecosystem processes, tribal cultural resources, public access, resiliency to sea level rise, and current site biotic and abiotic conditions. This funding will enable this important restoration project to get started and it can’t come a moment too soon. Learn more and then do your part to help ensure this critical funding moves expeditiously so restoration can begin. LEARN MORE Attend our 7 PM, September 5th community briefing featuring special guest speaker Eric Zahn to learn further details and how you can help. Eric Zahn is the Principal Restoration Ecologist at Tidal Influence LLC and the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority’s Southern Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration Project manager. The meeting will be via Zoom so you can easily attend virtually and I hope you will. Email me to RSVP and I will send you the Zoom link. In addition to being really informative, Eric Zahn is an engaging and interesting speaker and you won’t want to miss him. Don’t forget to RSVP now! DO YOUR PART Whether you attend the briefing or not please take a moment to send in a letter of support to the California Coastal Conservancy supporting this proposed funding. Don’t forget to add your name & address at the end and include why Los Cerritos Wetlands is important to you! Why we support the project: • The restoration of the Los Cerritos Wetlands provides a tremendous opportunity to increase open space for the community and wildlife in a densely populated area. • The Los Cerritos Wetlands represent one of the few remaining opportunities to restore a significant area of coastal wetlands in the Los Angeles and Orange County region. • Funding for this project will facilitate the final design for the restoration of 100 acres of wildlife habitat and the creation of new public access trails and facilities. It will also support the implementation of over 50 acres of habitat restoration. • The project will result in important benefits for wildlife, coastal access, and improved resilience to climate change. To learn more about the process of restoring Los Cerritos Wetlands (and beyond), check out the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority’s webpage on the Southern Los Cerritos Restoration Project. Thank you for caring about Los Cerritos Wetlands and hope to see you at the community briefing on September 5th. Elizabeth Lambe Executive Director Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust Below is the the Southern area of Los Cerritos Wetlands on a sunny day. The wetlands look good but they will look even better and provide better habitat once they are restored and invasive plants, like the yellow mustard weed in this photo, are removed. Did you know that invasive plants take over and crowd out native plants? We need native plants to provide food and shelter to coastal wetlands species. Photo: Jason Lustig |